Shipping Policy

Please read the below shipping and delivery policy to check the detailed shipping information, fees, terms and risks of your orders.

Shipping Information

United States and Canada 8--12 Working days (usually shipped by UPS / FedEx / DPD);
European Countries 8--12 Working days (usually shipped by UPS / DPD)
Switzerland and Norway 8--12 Working days (usually shipped by UPS / DPD)
Russian 20--28 working days (usually shipped by CDEK)
New Zealand and Australia 10-18 working days (shipped by Special Line)
Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam 5-7 working days (shipped by Special Line)
Other Countries 20--28 working days

Shipping Fees

We provide free shipping for all orders made on BOOANT official online store. BOOANT uses the best carriers in the business to make sure your orders get to you ASAP. However, we are NOT responsible for any tariff or customs fee, duty, tax, or brokerage fee (if needed). These fees are recipients’ responsibility.

Notices, Terms and Risks

All of your orders made on BOOANT official online store will be processed within 3 business days (except pre-orders).

The estimated time listed above is our best estimate only, and BOOANT is NOT liable for any loss or damage suffered by you due to any reasonable or unavoidable delay in the delivery of your order.

You are responsible to make sure your address is 100% correct and complete. Should any loss be incurred due to the input of an incorrect address or a fraudulent transaction, you will be held responsible as the sole bearer of the pecuniary loss. We are NOT responsible for any loss due to the incorrect address or a fraudulent transaction.

Generally, orders have been shipped out cannot be canceled. If you want to cancel the order(s) that has/have been dispatched, you will be responsible for the shipping charges. BOOANT is not responsible for any duty or any charge.

When the products are delivered, you are responsible for checking the order is complete and undamaged. You need to check the products carefully for any damage before you sign for the delivery. If there is any damage, you have the rights to refuse the delivery and let the delivery person know the reason of the refusal.